There are two kinds of AA meetings. Open Meetings and Closed Meetings.
Open Meetings
An open meeting of A.A. is a group meeting that any member of the community, alcoholic or nonalcoholic, may attend. The only obligation is that of not disclosing the names of AA members outside the meeting. A typical open meeting will usually have a “chairperson” and other speakers.
Closed Meetings
In support of A.A.’s singleness of purpose, attendance at closed meetings is limited to persons who have a desire to stop drinking. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend this meeting. We ask that when discussing problems, confine discussion to those problems as they relate to alcoholism.
Variety of Meetings
Meeting | Description |
12 Steps and 12 Traditions | Meeting focuses on the AA approved book, 12 Steps & 12 Traditions |
As Bill Sees It | Meeting focuses on the AA approved book, As Bill Sees It |
Atheist/Agnostic | Meeting for individuals who are atheist/agnostic. |
Big Book | Meeting focuses on the book Alcoholics Anonymous |
Concurrent with Al-Anon | Those attending may consist of AA members and/or Al-Anon members |
Daily Reflection | Meeting focuses on the AA approved literature Daily Reflection |
Discussion | Meeting is based on the discussion of topics introduced by chair or members in meeting |
LGBYQ+ | Meeting for those who are or support the LGBTQ+ community. |
Living Sober | Meeting focuses on the AA approved book Living Sober |
Meditation | Sometimes called "11th Step Meeting" Meeting focuses on meditation. |
Men Only | Meeting for those identifying as male |
Newcomer | Meeting for individuals new to AA or just want to know more about AA |
Speaker Meeting | Meeting has one or more speakers who share their experience, strength, and hope found through AA |
Tradition Study | Meeting focuses on the 12 Traditions of AA |
Women Only | Meeting for those identifying as female |
Young People | Meeting focuses on challenges of alcoholism with young people |