There are many kinds of AA meetings in the Tidewater Virginia area. Here are some resources for whatever the format is -a beginners meeting, a speaker meeting, a book study, a lunch meeting, or a men’s or women’s meeting.
Below are some of the documents you may need for your meeting.
- The AA Group
- Sample Group Meeting Format
- A.A. Preamble
- More About Alcoholism
- How it Works
- The Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
- The Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous – Long Form
- The Third Step Prayer
- The Seventh Step Prayer
- The Eleventh Step Prayer
- The St Francis Prayer
- The Promises
- Acceptance
Reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
Also, you might find that the Fillable Home Group Info/Contact Form with QR – PDF will help newcomers stay in touch with your group and AA as a whole.